Thursday 28 April 2011


People so far:
Main character: Pengrio112
Friends: Funky Pinkie,Penny0808,Quesini
Captain: Kupe
Server is icicle or sasquatch.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Aaah. :D

Its almost my birthday guys...Tomorrow it is. I won't be posting i guess. So. Um. New field ops in box dimension. Sorry for not posting picture. But be sure to come back soon to see. I NEED AUTHORS. AND ADMINS. HELP.

Friday 11 February 2011

New treasure book! Treasure book 12. EPIC.

Hey guys. The new treasure books come! Check it out!

The cover's gold. Wow its quite persuading.

A guy with a red guitar.
Hair=The Trend
Shirt=Electro shirt
Guitar=Red electronic guitar

Cool the Shadow guy and Gamma gal costumes!

Masks= Pink mask and Blue mask
Capes=Blue cape and Pink cape
Costumes=Shadow guy costume and Gamma gal costume

Wow this page include items related to medieval. I love medieval to be in mind. Theres a black night and a purple princess.
Iron helmet
Iron Armor
Staff and shield
The Damsel
Damsel's dress

This page includes easter bunnies. Chocolate bunny and white chocolate bunnies.
Cocoa Bunny Ears
Cocoa Bunny Costume
Fuzzy Boots
White Cocoa Bunny Ears
White Cocoa Bunny Costume

This page brings in the comedy. A fair costume and an actor (or would I say,scarecrow)!
Ring Master Hat
Ring Master Outfit
Curly Mustache
Straw Hat

This is the modern style times. The exclusive page.
The Fiery Flare
Casual Summer Threads
The Short And Snappy
Fluorescent Freestyle Threads
Loose Yellow Sneaks

The MYSTERY page. Have't found out this yet. So...Umm...No harm no foul sherlock. :D

Now here is the puffle page. No brown puffle I can see. I expect it to be in the next treasure book.

Coins. A lot and a lot and a lot of coins...But dont unlock coins with a code. Its a waste. I could earn 1500 coins in 3 mins or so. That coin bag only is 500 coins. So. No point.

Well guys,thats it for now. I hope you like the cheats for this book. Well...Technically there wasn't any cheats. So umm...^.^ Good luck getting those codes people!

Puffle pins!

Hey this time the pins are puffles! 2 pins together! Wow.

1. Go to ski attic.
2. Go to the blue puffle.
3. Go to hidden lake.
4. Collect the red puffle pin.

You now have the red puffle pin AND the blue puffle pin!

Thursday 10 February 2011


My other blog lol. WELL my friend's and my blog.
To be in the new movie...Comment or send email to,
Thanks. Be sure not to miss the excitement!

Awesome drawing by me!

I was on a chat and I just randomly done a puffle related to dragonball z and it was made into this.

Related to this:

Awesome right? Well comment your opinion if you can! Thanks!

Btw new system defender.

New system defender must be told...

Its hard at the end btw...REALLY. Hard.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Happy chinese new year! 新年快乐!

新年快乐Happy chinese new year! Indeed it was a bit late sorry. But i'm chinese and you know...I celebrate chinese new year (NOT with firecrackers and stuff). So I wanted to share my celebration with you guys. Thanks. Peng out.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Costume trunk cheats this month

Hey here it is the grass skirt! Only 1 cheat aww oh well.

1. Go to page 3.
2. Click on the "G" in forgot.

You now have the grass skirt cheat!

New pin



What happened...
Really what happened. Cp dont load for me and it shows the miniclip cp! WHATS WRONG?! Is it my comp or cp?

Monday 24 January 2011

My puffle house

Hey I decide to send this idea to club penguin to see how they agree and I hope they will! I want a better house for my puffle so I can pursuade people to buy puffles and take care of them! Here's my house but it cost a lot. 1 house is 1000 coins!

 I hope you think it's a good idea. I hope club penguin makes this too!

New field ops!

This time i'm happy because i found this BEFORE chrisdog. :D Here it is.

1.Go to wilderness.
2.Go to the bottom right part of it.

 This week it's the symbol field ops where you have to break a code! Try and do it.

You now have a medal for doing this!

You can get the following stamps that are colored in if you do the requested amount of stamps. AWESOME RIGHT!? Yesh it is. I'm glad I (pengrio112) found the field op before chrisdog93. I'm so happy. Thanks guys.

Sunday 23 January 2011


YAY WE'VE HIT 500 HITS! THANKS PEOPLE! THANKS FRIENDS! THANKS EVERYONE! I really do appreciate your hospitality to this blog. :D Thank you.

Clonga line! Samba diego! XD

This was on sleet. A CLONGA LINE! (Clone+conga=clonga) Clones made a "clonga line" and eventually i joined them.

Ya heres a pic of them. They couldn't dance...What a shame (sarcastic)...XD.

Like the new title ppl?

Like it? Reqest me on comment if you want me to do one for ya.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Monday 17 January 2011

A chat

The same guys!

Wow their making a line. So i decided to join and take a picture.

Lol my friend kupe is in this! He's very rare. Indeed.


Wait what i got a crowd. I dont think so. LOL.

Pingu52189 is my real friend and the others crowded me! :D im

Army lists:

Acp: Army of crap ppl
Dcp: Dumb crap ppl
Swat: Swimming with anonymous televisions
Nachos: The new crisps
Epf: Egg pow force
Psa: Penguin sizzling acrobats

Lol. (This was suppose to be a joke. Lol i'm not really being mean. I'm not that sad.)

Sunday 9 January 2011

Orange oh Orange

Yesh lols lots of ORANGE people on icicle. I was talking,well defining that raj5001 was not famous,and then i saw a 1 ornage person make a crowd of orange ppl in no time. o_o At least something WAS interesting there.

Raj5001 is stupid.

Raj5001 came and said hes famous when he only has like 5 subscribers. o_o gawd. I know he has more views and stuff but he just can't spell famous and needs english classes. And on his channel comments all he got was getting offended cuz of the bragging and stuff. Yesh really...-_-

Some stuff i upraded a bit?

New bulletin board,Fan art and pictures are now in the igloos,New stages in saga info and new cp cheats. Awesome right. Yea yea i guess...And new skills on the skills page and new levels! With some new swords in the SOS shop. :D Right thats it.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Updating some stuff...And constructing and adding more.

:D Penguin rpg need ppl these days...But only 3 ppl have joined. Cmon ppl....Just comment if ya want to join and be sure to follow this blog plz!